Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18

We, (The Selma Dean Team of T.E.A.M.S. in Spirit L.L.C.), stand in solidarity with the world-wide community in the peaceful protests against the criminal acts done in the “name of justice” against people of color. 

I’m also grateful for the individuals who risk their lives to enforce the law without partiality to race and color. 

Meanwhile, join us in using our vote to make the changes we deserve in this November’s election. 

We love you and will meet you at the polls! 

Selma & S.D.T.

We love hearing from you. To leave a question or comment, click here.


Thank You illustration word cloud in different languages illustration

Hello {!firstname_fix}.

You are a valued member of our team. We love your input to our webpage comments at, or email to  My replies to your online comments can be viewed in our online comments section. Please allow up to two weeks to see your comments posted. 

Also, thank you for clicking on our links.  Each time you click online to visit our website or a referenced link, we move up in rank in Google’s search engine. Therefore, we become more visible to all Google visitors. 

In other words, our goal to become an international Voice of Hope and Healing to God’s people is happening because of you! 

Thank you again. Love you and God bless.

Selma & SDT

P.S. You can also join us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 

We love hearing from you. Click here to ask a question or leave a comment.


You are tired of feeling fearful. Living isolated from people we love the most is tough. Maybe you are sick or caring for a sick loved one. 

Your unemployment has diminished, and jobs are not available right now. Plans have come to a halt, and you’re unsure what your future looks like now. 

While coping with your fears during the pandemic, you still have a spouse, children, or someone who requires much of your time and attention. 

Be assured. God is near to you in a world gone mad with illness, death, and civic unrest. 

halt, and you’re unsure what your future looks like now. 

While coping with your fears during the pandemic, you still have a spouse, children, or someone who requires much of your time and attention. 

Be assured. God is near to you in a world gone mad with illness, death, and civic unrest. 

Imagine this. Today, God’s outstretched arms offer you a gift. The gift is God’s peace. What happens next? Read on.

Do you choose to accept God’s peace each day? Here’s how.

1. Accept God’s Gift of Peace – Jesus promised you peace. However, no matter how much God offers this gift to you, it is not yours if you don’t accept it.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:27).”

2. Open God’s Gift of Peace – No gift is useful if it remains unopened. Open yourself to receive God’s peace by praying and studying scripture. Start each day with God, stay faithful to Him during the day, and end each day with Him.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phillippians 4:6-7).”

3. Use God’s Gift of Peace – Again, you have a choice. You can put God’s peace to work in your life, or store it away, never to be used or seen. Your primary focus must be seeking God’s help for your faults and worries. Pray for others, while realizing only God can change them.

 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).”

Accepting God’s peace will not stop the conflict surrounding you! His peace will keep you hopeful and give you joy through each battle.

Each day accept God’s peace, open yourself to it, and share it with others. You will find yourself feeling more relaxed and hopeful. You will grow in your faith because you are applying his Holy Word to your daily living. 

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Do you remember this iconic quote from the seventies? This over-used cliché, often paired with the smiley face, was spot-on with the truth and rooted in Biblical teaching. Read on.

Jesus spoke directly to how we should approach each new day. “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself (Matthew 6:34a).” On the flip side, Isaiah 43:18 warns us about dwelling on the past, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.”

I lived a lot of my life worried about tomorrow while stuck in painful memories from the past. I finally let go of past hurts and future worries by learning to forgive. “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Colossians 3:13).”

Forgiveness is all about you and must be a daily practice. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to practice forgiveness daily, and even before an offense occurs! 

Forgiving someone is not a way to let your offender off the hook. Instead, forgiveness is a component of love. When practiced, it will unlock the captivity of your past hurts and future worries.  

Face it. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not a given. But, you have been given a beautiful gift of “today.” You can fill this day with faithfulness, forgiveness, and peacefulness. 

Most of all, feel confident in knowing you are not facing today’s problems alone. God loves you and is with you today.  

P.S. I am feeling much better. Our COVID-19 tests were negative. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement! We are sending our love and prayers to you as well!

We love hearing from you. To leave a comment or question, click here.

Will You Help US?

I hope you are well and coping well with any obstacles you had to face this week. 

I did not feel well earlier this week but feeling much better today. Isn’t it amazing how we now compare any illness symptoms to COVID-19 symptoms? (And we’re probably not wrong for doing that.) As a precaution, my husband, Larry, and I took a coronavirus test this week, and are waiting for results.

As you read this letter, know a fellow SDT subscriber is coping with COVID or another life-threatening illness. Another is fearful for the health of someone they love. Sadly, a fellow team member is grieving the death of a family member. Meanwhile, the problems and challenges of life continue to surround each of you. To you, we send the inspiration of Psalm 24:9-10. 

Lift up your heads, O gates, And lift them up, O ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory.

A sincere thanks to each of you who entrust us to pray and believe with you for healing. At this time, we need the prayers of all our SDT subscribers. With our combined faith, we are supporting each other as we look for brighter days to come. Will you join us by also including the SDT subscribers in your regular prayers?

Meanwhile, continue to sanitize, wear masks, and stay away from large group activities. Sending you the love and peace that comes through knowing you are loved and cared for by our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ!

We love you!

We love hearing from you. To leave a comment or question, please click here. 

Thank You

We, at SDT, much appreciate your support and encouragement. 

We love reading your comments by email or online. You would not believe how much your input is helping us to learn and grow. My replies to your online comments can be viewed in the comments section online at Please allow up to two weeks to see your comments posted. 

Please feel free to click on our links to visit Each time you clicked online to our website, we moved up in rank on Google. By moving higher in Google’s ranking process, we become easier to find online.  

We are moving closer to becoming an international Voice of Hope and Healing to God’s people. And it’s all because of you. 

We make a great team!  Love you. God bless.

We love hearing from you. Click here to ask a question or leave a comment.

10 Seventies Song Titles That May Depict Your Current Mood

Some of my family’s favorite memories take us back to the nineteen-eighties. We would be taking a road trip. Our three young children would be in the back seat loudly, singing everything from the most celebrated gospel hits to Have You Seen Her by the Chil-lites! We could always settle them down with some jazz or maybe some classical tunes.  

Back then, and even now, we often laughed about the “true-to-life” depiction from many of the nineteen-seventies R&B song titles. So, I thought it was a great day to have some fun with some of our favorite R&B music from the seventies.

Just for fun, read the seventies song titles listed below. See if your current mood identifies with any of these titles. Then, have a good laugh and praise God for loving you no matter where your emotions are right now!

For a special treat, each song is linked to YouTube. Click on your favorites to hear the music. Sing along. Grab your spouse, kids, or grandkids and dance. Dance alone. 

Whatever you do, enjoy the moment and the music. But, afterward, keep reading to see the rest of this message below the song list.

Woman’s hand placing the needle on a record.

Here Are Some Favorite Songs from the Seventies! Which song best describes your mood right now?

(Keep in mind; We’re only promoting the song’s title and not the song’s lyrics or intended message). 

  1. Stayin’Alive, The Bee Gees
  2. You’re So Vain, Carly Simon
  3. What’s Going On, Marvin Gaye
  4. Highway to Hell. AC/DC
  5. I Want You Back, Jackson Five
  6. Ain’t No Sunshine, Bill Withers,
  7. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head, B. J. Thomas
  8.  I’m Coming Out, Diana ross
  9. War, Edwin Starr
  10. Best of My Love, Emotions

Just as you can choose which song to listen to, you can also choose to alter your moods when you’re feeling down. Sometimes, it is as simple as praying, listening to a song, going for a walk, or reading something positive. 

However, for some, downward moods are not just temporary feelings. You may feel stuck in depression or sadness. God is aware of each of your problems. 

You may need help to feel better. God has people in positions to help you. Reach out to your pastor, health care professional, or a trusted friend.  

There is no greater love than God’s love for you. His plan for you includes a peaceful and prosperous life. 

P.S. Shout-out to Larry, my Wonderful Husband, and the World’s Greatest Father. Right now, I’m sure you’re working in your garage or tending the yard or washing the cars while playing your old-school music.

We love hearing from you. To leave a comment or message, click here.

Just “Checking-in” On You!

Hello everyone. Just checking-in to see how you are managing. Family issues, economic concerns, social and political climates, along surviving COVID-19 are just some of your daily experiences. 

Today, I’m sending you several previously posted topics to choose according to whatever encouragement you need most. I’m praying, as you review these posts, reflect on God’s great love for you. 

Meanwhile, we are praying for your spiritual strength, peace of mind, and physical well-being.

Selma & SDT

Click on any of the topics below to read the articles. You will be re-directed to that page on our website. 





We love hearing from you! To ask a question or leave a comment, click here.

Coming Soon: A COVID-19 Book Project to Support Those Affected Most by the Pandemic

You are invited to share your story

“Despite the realities, the dawn of COVID-19 in America also revealed a level of kindness and humanity which reflects who most Americans really are — a caring and loving people willing to extend unconditional love and help when it is needed.”

On April 3rd Earl Cobb and his wife Charlotte were on their final leg of a 2,200-mile road trip from their home in Phoenix back to their Savannah, Georgia home. Under normal circumstances, the drive would be challenging. However, at that time, the President had just declared a national emergency at the dawn of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States.

The declaration was quickly followed by nationwide stay-at-home orders, and subsequently, the U.S. economy was practically shut down. Tens of millions of Americans were beginning to lose their jobs, and hundreds of millions were starting to live with supply shortages and in a severe state of “uncertainty”.

On that day, the Cobbs had an unfortunate incident with the U-Haul trailer they were towing. If it was not for an unexpected act of kindness, they might have had to spend more time on the road as hotels were closing and the uncertainty of the pandemic was growing. According to Earl Cobb, “We were sure that our once uneventful trip had just turned into a personal COVID-19 era challenge.”Though, due to a single act of kindness, all ended well. The Cobbs arrived at their Savannah home safely a day later, as planned.

Based on a deeper reflection upon their April 3rd, 2020 road trip incident, they recently decided to launch a new book project titled, “MY ANGEL THAT DAY: True Stories of Kindness and Humanity During the Dawn of COVID-19 in America”.

They chronicle the details of the incident in a short story they have penned. The story reflects on the kindness they were provided “that day” and identifies their “angel”. The 1,200-word essay also highlights the importance of kindness and humanity during a major unforeseen event, like the global pandemic we are currently experiencing.

The goal of the project, according to the Cobbs, “is to bring more awareness to the fact that despite the realities of unforeseen financial, societal, and personal challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many individuals and organizations across the country, who have stood up and demonstrated a level of kindness and humanity which reflects who most Americans really are — a caring and loving people willing to extend unconditional love and help when it is needed.”

The project is designed to reach out to Americans across the country who personally or who knows someone who experienced a difficult day during the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic and who was touched by someone [or an organization] who seemed to be an “angel.” That is, someone who without having to be asked, helped them get through that day — financially, physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually.

In addition, the objective is to gather as many of these stories as possible, package them into a nationally published and memorable keepsake that can be shared with people throughout the world and with the generations to come.

How to Get Started

All net proceeds of the project will be donated to charities and charitable activities established to assist those Americans whose lives were most impacted during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Anyone who has a story to contribute to the project can do so, on a first-come basis. The project plans to include as many stories as practical. Your story can be about yourself, a family member, a friend, just someone you know, or actual experience in which you are closely acquainted. All stories must be submitted by June 30th, 2020.

All stories must be submitted by June 30th, 2020. The project is working with a publisher and anticipates an October 2020 global release of the book. Submission details can be found at  While there, you can also read the Cobbs’ short story.

Anyone who has a story to contribute to the project can do so, on a first-come basis. The project plans to include as many stories as practical. Your story can be about yourself, a family member, a friend, just someone you know, or actual experience in which you are closely acquainted.


Ervin (Earl) Cobb and Charlotte D. Grant-Cobb, Ph.D. are the owners of RICHER PRESS PUBLISHING, a full service, specialty trade publisher whose sole goal is to shape thoughts and change lives for the better. 

Earl and Charlotte, who currently calls both Phoenix and Savannah home, have been married for 37 years. They have written and published a total of five books as a husband and wife team. The collective seriousness and wit of their work have been described as perfect for “those seeking personal growth, change, and life enrichment but not quite ready for Dr. Phil.”

The Cobbs are recognized as two of the nation’s rising-stars among Self-Improvement, Relationships, and Inspiration authors, lecturers, and speakers.

Learn more about the Cobbs and Richer Press by clicking here

For more information

For more information, contactConnie@richerlifellc.comor call (602) 708-4268. You may also contact us at

Details for submission at 

Click here to leave your questions or comments about this project.