There is a type of peace that many do not understand. It is the peace you, God’s child, give to the world. Read on.

There is a reason many people cannot understand your peace. They have glimpsed into your life and witnessed you go through some challenging times. Yet, you never gave up. They heard of your illness, your grief, and your pain, yet never heard you complain.

Here is your secret. On the day Jesus ascended to Heaven, he promised to leave you peace. He did, and you were among the ones who accepted it.

Many others love God, but do they know that, with salvation, God offers the gift of peace to them? Do they understand that this gift only needs to be personally accepted? Do they erroneously equate peace with personal feelings or the conditions surrounding them?

But for you, the acceptance of God’s gift of peace is evident. It shines like a bright light in your daily life. As a result, you give hope to a world filled with hopelessness.

You think, “I don’t always feel at peace.” You are, after all, only human. Remember this. In spite of how torn and troubled you may feel, God’s supernatural peace never leaves you, his beloved child.

You are God’s chosen instrument, mouthpiece, or silent vessel of peace through Jesus Christ. Embrace your role. Be grateful for each opportunity to share God’s peacefulness.

As you celebrate God’s gift of Jesus to the world, also celebrate Christ’s gift of peace to you. Then, as you have always done, continue to give your peace to the world.

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