James is having a good day. He still has not found a job, but is positive it will happen soon. He is eating better and has quit smoking.

This is a huge contrast to what his life looked like a few months ago. James was feeling like a loser. He was often discouraged and felt like giving up. What happened? He did not quit.

Time to gather all ideas in his head. Handsome young man keeping hands behind his head and looking thoughtful while sitting on the couch at home

You may be experiencing discouragement or depression. You feel like giving up. Don’t quit now.  You have at least 5 great reasons why you should not give up. Read on.

5 Great Reasons Why You Should Not Quit Today

  1. You are not alone. 

No one else can feel what you are going through. However, many others are also experiencing a similar issue as yours.

Be careful not to isolate yourself or attempt to conceal your distress.  Isolating yourself can make you feel like no one else is going through this. Not so. You are not alone.

Force yourself to reach out to someone you trust. This could be a therapist, relative, friend, or your pastor. You should also use the library, bookstore, or Google to research possible solutions.

  1. You are on a journey. 

Compare your life to taking a road trip. You will come across some lovely places as you travel. Unfortunately, you will also see some not-so-lovely places. However, you keep moving as you travel through it all.

The same idea applies to your life’s journey.  Some times are good. Some are not-so-good. But you must keep traveling.  Know that you are not in either place to stay.

  1. You can make it through this day.

“One day at a time,” sounds simple. However, it can be quite challenging. On some days, it can take all your energy to make it through one minute. That’s okay.

Imagine your thoughts are attached to a light switch. When your mind starts obsessing or dreading, flip your switch to “off.” Then, return your focus to what you are doing and where you are at that moment.

  1. You are loved.

Young children need to experience unconditional love from their parents. But as adults, we may never find this kind of love in our relationships. However, unconditional love is still possible for you.

I encourage you to seek the life-changing, unconditional, love of God. Be willing to let go of any pre-conceived ideas. Then, open your mind to experience God’s infinite love for you.

  1. You are making our world better.

By going through this difficult time, you are living your purpose.  How? There is someone waiting to hear your story. As you share your experience and strength, you make our world better.


Stay on the journey. Don’t stop now. You don’t want to miss the lovely places ahead of you!


Question: What can you say to someone who feels like giving up?  You can leave a comment by clicking here. (You can read my Comments Policy by clicking here.)  


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