Today I’m reading Matthew 7:1. It is telling me to not judge others. I say, “Amen.” But the truth is, I judge others all day long!
Do you often comment on what someone else should do, or how others should handle their problems? You too, could be guilty of judging. Even worse, you are also judging yourself. Read on.

What we actually see or hear from another person are mere facts. But, before we form an opinion about the person, we should look very carefully at our own behaviors.

Any intentional, negative, interpretation or opinion about another person’s behavior is what Jesus calls “judging.” Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 7:2 that we will reciprocate whatever we pronounce on others. (This, alone, is my greatest motivation to quit judging)!

Here is how you and I can stop judging others. Let’s start right now!

  1. Recognize when our thoughts are just criticisms. You can tell the difference between caring and criticizing if you just stop and think.
  2. Pair your thoughts about another’s behavior with prayer. Pray for the person instead of making rash judgements.
  3. Stop before you speak negative thoughts aloud. Do something else. For example: Take a deep breath. Count to ten. Recite Matthew 7:1 five times.
  4. Excuse yourself from gossipers. Even if you remain in the same space, you do not have to participate with their gossip.
  5. Consider your own behavior. Be honest. What do you need to change about yourself? Confess it to God. Study scriptures that will help you to change.

As we learn to take our focus off the behavior of others and practice self-examining:

  1. We grow increasingly peaceful (Philippians 4:9).
  2. We become more productive in reaching our goals in life (Galatians 6:4).
  3. We are able to show sincere love to others because we aren’t criticizing or gossiping about them (Romans 12:9-10).

Please join me by declaring this affirmation. Let’s say it every time we are tempted to judge someone.

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  1. It is so true, not to judge others is a big challenge. It is sometimes even hard to recognize that we are judging. So my prayer is also to please Lord help me not to judge. I need to look at Jesus, to have a closer walk with God. I want to love others the way Jesus loves us. Without the spirit of my Lord I will not be able to win this battle. Thankyou for sharing the Word with us in this special ministry

    • Hello Kordula. Thank you for sharing it is sometimes hard to recognize we are judging, so you pray for God’s help. This is so important. Thank you for your comments!

  2. This is so very important. I try and practice this daily. Being judged by many that knew nothing of the truth was very overwhelming for me at one point. I had to pray for strength to do what was right. That was to show love in spite of the ignorance of others. Hate try to put me under, but love brought me out. To judge others means that a person is missing something within themselves. Often times people judge others because they haven’t dealt with some of their own issues.

  3. Thank you Selma! This is so timely. I often ask God to help me in this area when I find myself judging others in my heart, without speaking any words. It is the heart of man that God hears. So, therefore, I am still judging others. I needed this word, and grateful for God’s mercy and truth! God bless you!

  4. yes yes yes, readings I need everyday to unblock the shade of my light so that wisdom can inter into my mind body heart and soul.
    thank you for the true word of God, amen.