...And Why You Should Join Our Team!

A problem exists. Something has to be done!

The group forms to solve the problem. This group could consist of family members, athletes, employees, military personnel, or students. Each member commits to accomplishing a common goal. They become a team.

We, at the Selma Dean Team are bound by a shared problem: Toxic emotions and negative thinking. We also share a common goal: Live our life’s purpose with our best emotional health.

Business People Cooperation Coworker Team Concept

Why join our team? Our Selma Dean Team members come from all the groups mentioned above, plus many others.

  • You are not alone. You may not realize it; others have struggled to overcome emotional problems similar to yours. Many have succeeded, and so can you!
  • Others can benefit from your strengths. Likewise, you can benefit from their strengths. The power of your individual weakness is reduced as you grow stronger.

Who is the team leader? Hi. I’m Selma. I assumed the role of the Selma Dean Team leader for two reasons.

  • First reason: I’ve been there. Now, like you, I am participating in this marathon of healing toxic emotions. (Read my story by clicking here.)
  • Second reason: I am passionate about helping you discover peace and purposeful living. Through my professional preparation and experience, I am prepared to lead you on this journey. (Click here to read my biography.)

Who are the other team members? Our list of team members starts with you. Here’s why:

  • You are probably reading this because you are interested in emotional healing. Welcome! You are now a member of the team.
  • You are becoming empowered through knowledge. Learn as much you can about healing your emotions through our weekly blogs and other resources. “Knowledge is power!”
  • You are discovering your life’s purpose. Freeing yourself of toxic emotions allows you to get rid of the clutter and baggage that has blocked you from becoming who you were created to be.

Are there other teams? Yes! There are different paths that will lead you to emotional healing.  Create a support team.  Keep searching until you find what works best for your specific needs and beliefs.

  • Visit your doctor to discuss counseling.
  • Explore online articles to learn more about your issue.
  • Seek out support groups and services that promote emotional healing.
  • Remember, your well-being is very important to us at We love having you on our team!

Question: What are some ways that you, the individual, can  contribute to the emotional  healing of others?  You can leave a comment by clicking here. (You can read my Comments Policy by clicking here.)




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