Question: Where are the “normal” people below? Answer: None.

Growing up with parental addiction, childhood abandonment, and other kinds of abuse can cause lifelong feelings of inadequacy. From childhood, you search for the day when you will begin to feel “normal.”

If you’re still struggling with feelings of inadequacy and seeking to be normal, there is help for you. This includes 3 things you must stop to start a more peaceful and fulfilled life.


    1. Stop Seeking Approval. Shirley Chisholm said, “I’m looking to no man walking this earth for approval of what I’m doing.” Unlike the first African American Congresswoman, you may have already wasted too much of your life trying to win approval and love from people. It’s time to focus on your God-ordained purpose. God created you. He is happy with who you are!
    2. Stop Seeking Perfection. As a perfectionist, you get the job done extremely well. You can easily see where others fall short, yet criticism from others can be extremely hurtful for you. Your imperfections are merely part of your perfect design(Psalms 139:14). Make peace with your imperfect self and resolve to focus more on your issues.
    3. Stop Seeking Material Gain. Multimedia’s unrealistic portrayal of success and happiness is based on having “stuff.” Too much emotional energy spent on material gain leaves less energy to fully pursue God’s great plan for you. Make seeking God’s purpose for your life the 1st priority (Matthew 6:33). You will experience God’s peace with energy to work hard for everything else you need.


“Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don’t fit into boxes.” – Tori Amos

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