Goodbye to "By Now!"

By now, at age 62, I thought I would have my weight problem under control.  Not so. I’m still working at it! 

Like me, you could be feeling, “By Now,” about a personal challenge. You think, “By now, I should be able to forget about that.” “By now, I should be making more money.”  Maybe, after so many years past, you are still struggling to overcome a soured relationship.

There is good news! Our “By Now” moments lessen as we learn to “Live Now” in God’s grace. Join me on this journey of grace. Read on to find out how.

3 Ways to Live Now in God’s Grace

  1. Accept God’s gift to you. Grace is a gift from God. This gift is his love in action to you. He offers this gift to you. But you can never benefit from a gift unless you accept it. To accept the gift, you must believe in God’s salvation plan. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9)
  2. Live one day at a time. A Christian counselor recently reminded me God gives us grace for each day. We often make the mistake of carrying today’s grace into tomorrow. Jesus taught us not to worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own! Plan for tomorrow, but live for today. (Matthew 6:34)
  3. Share your gift. You are created in Christ Jesus to do the good things He planned for you. Get busy extending the grace you receive to others. Forgiving is at the top of my list because it can be very difficult. Sharing your time and resources are also ways to share grace. When we help people in need, we focus less on ourselves. (Ephesians 2:10).


My weight may not be ideal yet. However,my goal is much larger: to achieve my best health each day. Also, I am totally thankful for the great things God has done in my life: no more focusing on what should or could have been. 

It’s important for you to continue planning and setting goals for your future.  You have God’s grace to live out those plans and achieve your goals one day at a time.

Join those of us who have said goodbye to “By Now.” Make a decision right now to start living in the gift of grace granted to you for today.  Then, you will find yourself growing in that grace each day. ( 2Peter 3:18)


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3 thoughts on “3 WAYS TO LIVE NOW IN GOD’S GRACE

  1. Hi Selma, thank you for your recent words of wisdom on 3 ways to live now in God’s Grace. I want you to know that it was such a Blessing to me, just what was needed to remind me that “His” Grace is sufficient….not that I had completely forgot, but I was not carrying “His” Grace with me properly each day.

    Thank you,

    • Hello Mary,
      It’s great to hear from you. I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for blessing me today with your kind words. God bless you today and your family. I will keep you in prayer for the upcoming holidays. God bless.